March 20, 2013

DD&M Revisions

I was experimenting with the circle. Forgot my reference images and my phone that I have on me has bad image taking quality so I just based the sketches off my memory.

They coordinate with the CMYK color set.

the one on the top was using a white circle instead othe the black one that is originally used. I was experimenting with the type but I think its one of my weakest ones out of them all. I'm leaning towards the one on the bottom left. The one on the bottom right looks like a cyan&magenta pill because design work is a drug to the eyes... yeah I know its cheesy (or really weak) but I just wanted to say that for the heck of it.


  1. The font in the first one seems a bit too childish for the face to represent the DDM Department. There's nothing interesting as design does. Just some words thrown in a circle. If it was meant to be simple, then the font should be sleek and minimal with less detail, no jagged edges.

    The second one looks a little more fun but I don't want people thinking that we have kids working on designs for events and such. When I think about our department, I want people to see something sturdy and solid so they feel secure knowing that there are dependable people who know what they are doing.

    The same can be applied to the third design. If you want clean lines, I would make the lines crisp with straight and more geometric. It feels a bit sloppy with the "M". The two "D"s do make a pill and people will think of something else. we don't people to over think a design or text, when most people walk pass posts and bulletins with a glimpse.

    1. I see I failed miserably in what I was trying to achieve. I know the first one at the top is bad but I'm working on combining the 2nd and 3rd ones into a somewhat professional but fun logo. Seriouness is good to a certain point beyond that it becomes to boring.
