February 22, 2013

Rought Draft

I took some pictures of what I think we were supposed to design. My younger siblings are hiding my phone, so I don't have the actual info at the moment. I have to wait until 5 a.m. before my alarms on the phone start ringing.

Here's a VERY VERY rough draft. Not sure if the info is right but this is a general idea of what I'm trying to do.

I know it looks like a business card!  :3

February 12, 2013

In response the discussion we were having on the Practicum Blog. Its strange my comment kept erasing itself.

I choose option e. Revise the GAG logo and use it.


Michelle's idea - a ruler and exacto knife for page layout.
Even though this is DDM it is split into 3-4 subcategories.

February 7, 2013


Well here's my new blog for Independent Studies. Guess I'll post things on here when I need to.